However, the number is based on both what’s in Buzz Price’s book, industry averages and our team’s own experience. World Abu Dhabi, spent more than this per attendee. He adds that "there's no doubt some parks, like Warner Bros. Thatcher says this is only a guide as "there are a lot of variables that can impact these numbers". It costs less to build parks with less elaborate rides which are typically found in fairs so the attendance only needs to be multiplied by $200 for them. In summary, to calculate the cost of a park with attractions which have detailed theming to immerse riders in stories, the attendance needs to be multiplied by $500. "For the budget calculations, we are using price per attendee of $500 for a 'story park' and $200 an attendee for a 'ride park', says Geoff Thatcher, one of the team behind Ask.Buzz and founder of themed entertainment design firm Creative Principals. The magic number is of course the budget and, perhaps surprisingly, it is derived from a simple formula. The website then forecasts the attendance for the peak month and peak week as well as key construction metrics such as how big the park needs to be, how much parking space is needed and how many food and beverage seats will be needed. After answering some simple questions the Ask.Buzz website provides detailed financial information.