International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Inderscience Publishers - linking academia, business and industry through research Findings of the study will help strategists in the IT sector gain insight into the key personnel issues facing various levels of employees in their organisation.

After extensive analysis of data, managerial grid was formulated on the scale of 0 to 9 at different managerial levels and was statistically tested through various parametric tests. The snowball sampling method had been used, and the respondent who was first identified helped to recommend further relevant individuals for the study. The data collection period lasted approximately four months, from March 2022 to June 2022. Using a structured questionnaire, a primary survey of 290 IT professionals was carried for the study. Article: Critical evaluation of Blake and Mouton's managerial grid: a study of employees of IT sector in India Journal: International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJSEI) 2022 Vol.6 No.2 pp.145 - 158 Abstract: The aim of the study is to determine the leadership style used in the IT sector at various managerial levels by applying the Blake and Mouton managerial grid, which was statistically, validated using parametric tests.